Work highlights

Last of the Atlases

Written by Fabien Vehlmann and Gwen de Bonneval and illustrated by Hervé Tanquerelle. Published by Europe Comics

Editing the English-language translation of this sprawling sci-fi/crime series from a team of established European creators was a recent work highlight. As with all comics translation work, this involved checking the localisation of the text (for example, that idioms, nicknames and sound effects worked in English) and ensuring that dialogue sounded as natural as possible within the available space.

It was also critical to maintain consistency across all 20 volumes, while keeping track of invented technology, sci-fi jargon and an international cast of characters.

Shackleton’s Journey

Written and illustrated by William Grill. Published by Flying Eye Books

I’ve occasionally been lucky enough to work with a talented creator on their debut book, as was the case for this illustrated non-fiction children’s book. The goal was to take historical information and interpret it as a visual narrative for a young audience, which required a combination of accuracy and appropriate word and tone choice.

It was important for me to have a firm grasp on the source material on which the book would be based. From this foundation, it was possible to effectively assist the author in the structuring and revision of the text while he completed his illustrations. The resulting book went on to win the 2015 CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal.

The Lovecraft Anthology

Written and illustrated by various creators. Published by SelfMadeHero

I originated this two-volume graphic adaptation of the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, pitching it to the publisher and then overseeing the editorial side of its production from start to finish. This involved commissioning and managing 13 writers and 16 artists, and also provided the opportunity to adapt some stories myself.

Key elements of this project included maintaining fidelity with the original prose texts while judiciously navigating around the author’s problematic views on race, as well as balancing and juxtaposing both narrative themes and art styles across both volumes.

For a full bibliography of the books I’ve worked on, please click here.

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